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Developing Healthy Work From Home Habits During COVID-19 Pandemic

Stick to a routine – get up at the same time each day, have breakfast, shower and get dressed into your chosen work clothes for the day. Work your contracted/scheduled work hours - logging into your computer at your usual time and logging out when you normally would.

Maintain social contact with your peers – schedule in a virtual coffee/lunch catch up with your work colleagues via Zoom/Facetime/Skype and check in on each other.

Keep Moving – head out for a walk/run or if, in forced isolation, develop your own exercise routine and/or tap into the many online exercise videos available.

Touch base with your managers/peers – share your wins / discuss your challenges and seek guidance/support as required.

Mindfully switch from work to home mode - once you have logged off (make sure you do), have a routine that helps transition you to home mode (e.g., walk around the block, practise mindful meditation, take a shower to wash work off for the day, change into your home clothes).

Practice self compassion – be kind to yourself as you navigate the current climate (e.g., embrace your inner coach/silence that inner critic).

Seek support if needed - link in with a health professional and tap into the following resources for support (including 24/7 counselling).

Beyond Blue - (1300 22 4636)

Lifeline - (13 11 14)

Mensline - (1300 78 99 78)

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