Maintaining Positivity and Perspective During COVID-19 Pandemic

Some strategies to help you navigate forward during enduring COVID 19 Pandemic and subsequent challenges:
You are not alone - we all in this together. This is an extreme - once in a lifetime event. Yes it has dragged out but we are getting over the hump (vaccinations are rolling out) allowing us to look forward to coming out the other end of this. You have handled it this far and you can continue to do so.
Continue to reach out to your friends and your loved ones - this connection and support is crucial (even if via Telephone, Zoom, Messenger or Text) for both you and them.
Naturally COVID fatigue is setting in but this is an (all be it a seemingly drawn out) moment in time - it will pass and, as the Dalai Lama says, "Choose to be optimistic because it feel's better." Embrace hope and engage in positive visualisation - these are powerful tools (start creating your bucket list for potential travel next year, practice gratitude, be creative, become more active and hug your loved ones tight).
In addition to having compassion for others, practice compassion for self
Focus your energy on factors within your control (wearing masks, maintaining social distancing measures, registering for vaccination, ensuring good hygiene) whilst acknowledging factors that are out of your control (I won't list those as these blogs are supposed to be concise and I think this one may already be not very concise).
Practice mindfulness/being present (there are a number of good mindfulness apps including: Smiling Mind Headspace; and Calm).
At the end of each day practice gratitude and reflect on three things that you are grateful for (e.g., memories made with family, a good laugh with a friend, a win at work, a spot on cup of tea).
Seek support if needed - tap into following 24/7 counselling support and/or link in with a health professional:
(1300 22 4636)
(13 11 14)
(1300 78 99 78)